2D Shooter
2DShooter game from MSU/Coursera
My work performed on it was:
- Changed the color of the menu image;
- Created a scrolling text for the instructions menu, in the initial menu, basically explaining how to play this game;
- Created a display to show the player's remaining lives:
- Created the component "UIExtraLives" within the prefab "InGameUICanvas" with the images of the additional lives lined up on the game table;
- Changed the "Health.cs" script to provide a list of images with the extra lives the player still has, so that the images in the list disappear when the player loses a life;
- Levels:
- Level 1:
- created 2 more enemies; - Level 2:
- Cloned the asteroid wall image with a different color to differentiate the level;
- Placed 2 asteroids from the "assets" on the game table;
- placed more enemies from the "assets" on the game table;
- repositioned enemies;
- Modified the aspects of some of the enemies - Level 3:
- Cloned the asteroid wall image with a different color to differentiate the level;
- Positioned more enemies;
- Modified the aspects of some of the positioned enemies;
- increased the size of the universe;
- created two gates for the "wall asteroids", one at the top and one at the bottom;
- Positioned two friendly space stations, outside the wall of the game table;
- Level 1:
- Created a distribution for Linux.
Created by Briian Win. In class.
Modified by Armando M S Sobrinho to add more elements.
Install instructions
download the appropriate file for your platform, eg Windows, Mac or Linux, unzip the file in a directory of your convenience, click on the executable and enjoy
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