2DShooter game from MSU/Coursera

My work performed on it was:

  1. Changed the color of the menu image;
  2. Created a scrolling text for the instructions menu, in the initial menu, basically explaining how to play this game;
  3. Created a display to show the player's remaining lives:
    1. Created the component "UIExtraLives" within the prefab "InGameUICanvas" with the images of the additional lives lined up on the game table;
    2. Changed the "Health.cs" script to provide a list of images with the extra lives the player still has, so that the images in the list disappear when the player loses a life;
  4. Levels:
    1. Level 1:
      - created 2 more enemies;
    2. Level 2:
      - Cloned the asteroid wall image with a different color to differentiate the level;
      - Placed 2 asteroids from the "assets" on the game table;
      - placed more enemies from the "assets" on the game table;
      - repositioned enemies;
      - Modified the aspects of some of the enemies
    3. Level 3:
      - Cloned the asteroid wall image with a different color to differentiate the level;
      - Positioned more enemies;
      - Modified the aspects of some of the positioned enemies;
      - increased the size of the universe;
      - created two gates for the "wall asteroids", one at the top and one at the bottom;
      - Positioned two friendly space stations, outside the wall of the game table;
  5. Created a distribution for Linux.

Created by Briian Win. In class.
Modified by Armando M S Sobrinho to add more elements.


Windows.zip 29 MB
MacOS.zip 39 MB
Linux.zip 43 MB

Install instructions

download the appropriate file for your platform, eg Windows, Mac or Linux, unzip the file in a directory of your convenience, click on the executable and enjoy

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